Just Say NO to a Free Roof Inspection

How the free roof inspection scam works

Here’s a real-life example of the roofing scam

Not to mention what can happen to your homeowners insurance if you turn in too many claims. At a minimum, this is FRAUD and at worst, criminal damaging.

Another example from a different client

  • Do i have an ACV/RCV/RPS policy?
  • Are there any exclusions written in my policy that might affect the results of a storm damage claim?

One final story- this happened to one of our agents

Free Roof Inspection Red flags

  • Show up or call without warning.
  • Just “happened” to be in the area and noticed the roof needed repairs (on a side note, unless there’s an obvious problem, like a gaping hole in the roof, how can you notice damage from the street?).
  • Unwilling or unable to share details of roofing business including location, phone number or other identifying information.
  • Does not want you to witness them getting on roof and looking around.
  • Shows pictures of damage that is not yours. So have an idea of what your roof looks like so you can identify FAKE photos.
  • Says entire roof MUST be replaced and doesn’t offer any option for partial replacement or repair.
  • Provides you with language to provide to your insurance company- you can just “copy and paste”.

How to Protect Yourself

  • Ignore “knock on door” contractors. Legitimate roofing companies don’t go door-to-door offering “free inspections.”
  • Don’t panic when they say you have storm damage (remember, this is part of the scam).
  • Don’t let them get on the roof.
  • After you’ve declined, watch them leave your property. Yes, the damage could still happen because they’re mad you said no.
  • If you are concerned you might have roof damage, call a LOCAL, reputable roofing contractor to take a look. They may charge a minimum fee to come, BUT it’s pretty small in comparison to a denied claim.

Anyone showing up to your house unannounced offering a free roof inspection is NOT there to help you and only out to get your money. Just Say NO to a free roof inspection and save yourself a lot of stress and heartache.

You can read a related article- How your roof affects home insurance and claims payout– to see how insurance companies are buckling down on writing new policies, renewing existing policies and paying claims based on the age of a roof and/or roof material.

If you’re an Ohio resident and need an Ohio insurance agent that offers this level of care and advice to its customers, call us at (937) 592-4871 or fill out the form below. We’d love to help!

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Alan Galvez Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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